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A New Vision for Change:

Why Ubuntu Consciousness is the Future of Philanthropy

Seeking financial freedom? Desire to make a change or save humanity? Need funds for an emergency? We are each other's keeper and together we can create a beautiful world with Ubuntu Consciousness and Solidarity.

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School, Collage & University

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Help For Domestic & Family issues

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Donations For Financial Emergencies

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Help With Court and Legal Fees

Crisis & Disasters

Aid for Crisis & Disasters


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Assistance For Creators And Innovators


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Who we are About us

We Are a Grassroots Movement Creating Values and Thriving Communities based on Truth, Creativity, Compassion, Harmony, Freedom, Solidarity, Justice and Sharing of Resources.

"Nobody Likes Poverty" is a concept, designed to empower the disadvantaged and society as a whole by accessing abundant wealth together. Members and users support a mission or hero by donating, funding or voting with Ubuntu crypto to usher in socioeconomic freedom or simply make dreams come true.


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Ubuntu Consciousness Rising I am, because we are


In ancient Africa, truth, justice, compassion and righteousness were personified by the Egyptian goddess, Ma'at (Ubuntu). Ma'at is the embodiment of natural law and represents the principle on which the society and the cosmos are founded.

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Funds And Support Needed

Change the Game with Blockchain and AR Technology dApp

Why Choose The NLP Platform

Join the worldwide community that is fighting poverty by supporting it's multi-level missions, players and heroes.

Gaining Economic Freedom

By supporting players and participating in missions through The NLP AR Game, users can help facilitate gaining economic freedom. Crypto credits will be used to vote for the missions and players that align with our values.

Reimagine philanthropy

NLP reimagines philanthropy by using crypto credits to support those in need or seeking empowerment. By utilizing this approach, users can track their contributions and see the impact they are making.

Transparent crowdfunding

Our platform makes it easy for users to fund their favorite contender transparently using either fiat or cryptocurrency.

Bridging the wealth gap

Our goal is to empower underprivileged communities by bridging the wealth gap through live streaming entertainment and real time crowdfunding.

Crypto wallet integration

Our platform features a user-friendly crypto wallet that allows users to seamlessly transfer funds and track contributions.

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